Our next quarterly club meeting will be at the Round Table in Milpitas Saturday September 21st at 4:00. Hope you can work that into your schedule. Jack always comes up with some nice raffle prizes.
The Bayside Auction is looming on the horizon and we are getting things in order for that to be another successful event. The website is ready for people to be able to preregister as a buyer/seller and like last year, items to be sold can also be registered ahead of time via the website. This was a real time saver the morning of the auction with check-in going really smoothly. We will need all the help we can get on the last Saturday in October, that being the 26th and we’d like to have the same volunteers again to work with the new computerized system as we used last year. There are several other areas where we can use your help too. Setting up the tables starting at 6:00am, placing checked in items onto the tables, and helping out during the auction. Cashiers will be busy if you’d like to help there we can train you ahead of time. Everyone that would like to help where the computer system is involved should plan for a training class or two with Jim and Micah.
At the auction this year we will not have Tom Minger as an auction caller due to a conflict with his vacation schedule. Therefore, if anyone would like to help me out with that please let me know well ahead of time so we can get together to go over the protocol. There are some basic things you need to know and it is a lot of fun so give it a try.
Lastly, we have not picked a date for a final work party at our closed field but we think we should remove the runway material and get it loaded into a dumpster. We have some ideas on how to do this efficiently and will let everyone know when we set a date.
Come to the club meeting, help at the auction, work at the field.
Such is our club.